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My friends and I often find that we need to provide support to one another while navigating our new world. The stress is palpable – getting our kids to wear a mask, dealing with people entering our personal space, finding toilet paper – not to mention the loss of jobs and income and the general state of the world!

On my last Zoom Friday night cocktail party, I thanked my friends for talking me off the ledge (after I had been having a “moment”). Earlier in the week, another friend needed similar encouragement. My friend Dee responded by saying, “The ledge is very crowded these days.” 

How true. But, what if we looked at it in a different way? What if we climbed up onto that ledge to take a leap of faith instead?

Total Brand Experience (TBX) did just that. Who starts a new business in the middle of a pandemic?! We did. Why? Because, collectively, we have strengths in every area needed to create and produce a powerful event and we have clients that need our help figuring out what to do next.

Sure, your first thought would be to cancel your event, take the revenue hit, and write off the loss. But why not adapt and embrace the challenge of keeping the momentum (of what surely would have been a great year) going? Host a virtual conference for half the cost (no F&B, no A/V, no travel costs) and double the attendees (now anyone anywhere can attend). You have the added benefit of income opportunities that exist beyond the dates of your conference – make it available as a recording for as long as you want (and charge for that access of course). 

Still want to meet in person? Why not host several small regional meetings instead of that larger one. Drive instead of fly, spread out in the meeting space, make the most of outdoor areas and still connect live. 

Don’t cancel that incentive either. If you have employees or customers you want to reward, we can hook you up with hundreds of individual trips that you can award now and the recipient can take later (up to 3 years later!). 

We can wait for the world situation to improve or we can choose to leap off the ledge into an abundance of ideation and creativity. 

Want to hop off with us?

–Andrea Kinney

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